Advanced Exploitation with Sqlmap

We have learnt the basic exploitation of Sql Injection with the help of Sqlmap in our previous posts. But there is always a step further. In this post we will see most advanced exploitation with Sqlmap.

Once again 3 cheers to Kunal for helping me out for this post.

In our first post of Sqlmap, we have explained few basic options of Sqlmap. We will see some more.

Advanced Exploitation with Sqlmap

Whenever I meet people and talk about any vulnerability, my first and final ask remains the same what is most extreme thing we can do by exploiting that vulnerability. In the case of SQL Injection most of my peers don’t discuss beyond downloading or altering the database. Although we can go beyond it and take the control of the application completely with the help of shell. we can run the os-commands, upload a file, read an existing file and what not.